HoORaY! I Graduate LEr!!YEaH^^
Ten HourSss for the Tennis LEsSon...
AlthouGh I 'm not that promptness ,smartness & active enough in tiS sport,
BUt at Least I knew tat the basIc to plAy TenniS,
When u can FEEL the ball,
When u can SMACK the ball,
When u can HIT the ball,
U loVin TenniS~ ~
My siR named MR LAu; he was a funny ,nice, goOd, and friendly SIR..
S0, i Lik tis SiR >_<
I Still the rememberEd the last seCond leSson oF playIng tenniS..
we Played in the raiNnY daY```
W3t w3T W3T~ ~ ~But We Are HappY!^^MeMoRaBl3``
Tod@y , I get my semester 2 result ><`` I faiL~ ~HaiZ!
Y?? tis subject is the high Pass LisT!
Y is m3? I would rather than to fail math Sub, cause easier For m3 to do revision!
I fail MarcOeconomiC!
I think GOD is giving m3 a chance to get BettEr reSulT in tis sUb..!!!
ToMoLo , mY friend EE Jj wanna BAc To KL..
So, we haV makE an appointment to watch moVie (JumpeR) together..
BecaUse I Owe Him ! we Taking our lunch in a India restauranT~~
" RiCE "
" MUttOn "
" fIsH "
AfteR, I treat him eat ice –cream!! When eating iCe –CreaM wil Not b3 so saD cause the bad results reaLLy upset me…
S0, tis da thingie happened in My first Day oF MArcH ><```
~ ~ mcSoon ~ ~