Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I was woke up in the morning pretty early :P since I slept well last night . No dream! No noise! No worries ! It's because i had taken sleeping pill from mummy.

I got his message by tis morning. He said tat
'Do u even care wat i feel'?

Don I? U never tell me hw u think of me? U never share ur problems, sadness, happiness or wat happened to u at there? Did u giving me the chances ? I knw i cant help u when u are sharing with me. at least, i knw tat u are unhappy . tat y I always said tat i knw nthg bout u.

yea, i'm the one who always demand tis n tat? then , hav u ever think bout it, y i become lik tis? i think u don put this thing in ur heart because u think tat i'm making a great commotion about nothing , right? i don wanna be lik tis also..Its seem lik i kept nagging u, i always on your back.

then , do u knw y i keep asking u that 'did u hav anything to tel me'?... eventhough i knw u don lik ...i 'm asking jst because i wan to knw more bout u at there?! is there everything alright for u? wat hav u did today? n bla bla....not lik this; i asked how ya then u replied tat i'm fine here. ><''

I wish that u telling me this all by urself n not everything wan me to ask u n jst lik i asking u ques then u answer.. wei, wat kind of conversation is tat lar ??!! I know u always felt that i'm the one who are quiet n nthg to say. I'm willing to say more when i can feel tat the ppl who are willing u to listen . '' are we difficult to communicate to each others,hUh?''

Since we hav 1 week ++ not really contact to each other , i started to feel tat is doesnt matter we got contact everyday, i won't like last time always looking forward to talk with u .The feeling is different now. [hard to describe] As i knw, we really don know each other well !!! Btw, i jst wanna release my pent-up emotions.:P

Got somebody get shock when saw me in the morning.She is my mummy {m}

m: Wow! u are awake,hUh?

mc: ur pill is useless lar..

m:wat lar ?! kia we go for breakfast together lar after tat help me do houseworks for keep fit.. way!

m:u should do some houseworks since u are grew fatter n fatter..

mc:swt?? Deal! u must acc me to go out later after i finished all the houseworks.

after taken our lunch, we went to kindergarden for inquired about the part-time job. I called few kindergardens n finally got response from one of the kindergarden named sunshine.yeah! they hired me.yes! i got the another job...:P

then , i went jusco to buy joshua a birthday present . [ hop he lik it :P]

mmm...mummy calling me again !!!

stop here lar..:)

Friday, April 24, 2009

finally, i cry on mummy shoulder

I'm not sure when i got this allergic appear on my face.
now , its getting more serious n serious..i was extremely not in da mood.i'm worries:(
my friends asking me y cant connect to ur phone, y din reply my message ,y u ignore me in msn..

i'm so sorry, i really feel sad n no mood to talk with u guys.

Don tried to comfort me because it doesnt help me .

I have no confident to all the doctors..i feel bad to take some useless medicine.i hate it.
can somebody tell me the way to recover?

I wish to talk with him eventhough i knw he cant help me BUT...he was really busy on doin his works :( and i jst don wan bother him.

I know she hate ppl crying when meet the problems. She said tat it doesnt help me, it will getting more worse. I was unable to keep back my tears. You guys have no idea how worried I was. but when she said to me tat '' I'll do everything possible to help you to recover it and u should trust mummy.''

finally, I was crying on mummy shoulder..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009




A 说 :‘就想说相处一阵子,看他会不会变得好一点。’
B说 :‘那时太年轻,以为给对方机会就是给自己机会。’
C说 :‘心软吧,觉得自己不该把事情处理得太绝。’
D说 :‘等待奇迹出现吧,当时对自己很有信心,认为老天不会作弄我。’







但毕竟‘谈恋爱’ 和‘买包子’不同,谁都不该浪费谁的时间,不该让对方傻傻的等待!不要随意给予承诺,当爱情碰到瓶颈,双方要积极沟通,寻求解决之道,找到共同都可以接受的相处模式。万一,努力过了,还是没有共识,就趁早了结吧!别浪费青春。

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

happy birthday !!!

HaPpy BiRthDay tO YoU!
Wishing U hAV a GreaT DaY :P

Friday, April 10, 2009

Because OF...

sigh! I was disturbed about the allergic on my face since last year. I don knw wat is happening ??? PLs STay AwAy frOm me! ! !

Because of the allergic.....

I don like look into the mirror.
I just want to stay at home.
I refused my friend invitations.
I felt moody.
I felt ugly.
I hate it.
I felt bad about the allergic.
I felt dry.
I drank a lots of water.
I gained weight. (eat more when moody)
I have no mood to talk.
I taken lots of medicine.
I felt tired after taken the medicine.
I have no confident to the doctors.

Pls PLs PLs..go away!!! (allergic)

Monday, April 6, 2009

I was doin a test from my mail. I got this result!

忠心,目的性比較強 do i?

牧羊犬對主人百分百忠心,為了完成工作不惜付出一切,這類型的人非常遵守規章制度 ,對於朋友拜託的事都會如期完成,人緣很不錯,有教養又懂禮貌的你不喜歡出風頭, 只要做好職責範圍之內的事就盡情沉醉在自我的興趣中咯,閒暇時候的你那副悠閒自得 的模樣,很是令人羡慕。 70% ,i think..

因為個性隨和的緣故,所以你跟任何人都能和平相處,對人缺乏防備可以說是你的最大 缺點,也是你煩惱的根源,心太誠太善的話,很容易被人利用,你必須提高警惕,才不 至於讓吃虧上當。 i will make it better !:P

你非常享受談戀愛的感覺,對於不入眼的異性相當冷漠,一般來說,你很少為愛受折磨 就算有喜歡的對象也不敢主動告白,不過一旦愛起來將是那麼熱情難擋。
ya,I am:) but i do feel suffer sometimes when i fall for someone .

你的好耐心是大優點哦,適合當醫生、會計師、電腦工程師等。 accountant? will i be in future???