Thursday, May 22, 2008

CHocolate MoiSt CAKE~~Blueberry MUffin

Today , I n Mummy was be seized by a whim ~~baked CAKE...

First, this was CHocolate MoiSt CAKE
weigh 400g sugar

then, + 200g butter

Beaten till smooth &fluffy

keep goin to do it~~

Lik tis is da ''best'' hehe..

Next, + 5 nos eggs

Stir it again~~

LOok lik this --

Not yet finished ---
HAve to add 200g chocolate mix n 200g super fine flour with 250 g water

Again STIR it!!!

Jiang !Jiang! Jiang!

After that~~

Almost donE--

bake into the Oven bout 30 minutes
(Ignore the fatness m3)**

Deng !DEng! DENg! DONE

Blueberry MUffin (easy to bake it)!

500 g blueberry flour

stir it with 4 eggs+ melted butter +113g water

After done wil be Lik tis--

Bake into the Oven bout 25 min
Again!(ignore the reflection Of me)**

HoOray! DONE!

Yummy~~Yummy ~~

Actually , last time i always went to my x-best friend house to bake cake together.^^ That was the BEST moment to me spent with her ~~QUite miss her @_@''

mc soon^^

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